
hi, i'm

(tym, for short)

let me tell you a bit about myself!

I guess you could call me a Software Engineer, but that's not the only thing I'd like to do with my career...

Aside from writing code across the full-stack, I'm also interested in computer architecture, deep learning and all things CGI & Design.

download resume

Inspired by the insane home-cooked VFX made by youtubers like Corridor Digital and Freddie Wong, I decided to try it out for myself. I quickly fell down the digital rabbit hole of CGI and inhaled everything.

I find enjoy that it's technical while also letting my creativity and imagination shine through. I'm especially interested in composition and colour theory, because of the transferrable uses is has across photography, design, film, rendering etc.

Anyway, here's some 3D renders I made in my spare time...

Unfortunately, this page is still a work in progress.
In the meantime, feel free to check me out on one of my socials: